Brews & Brainstorms Survey Thank you for attending the Pelican ‘Brews and Brainstorms’ event. Your feedback is appreciated. All responses will be kept confidential.Your notes, questions, suggestions, and overall expertise will help shape the future product direction for Pelican.Feel free to give as detailed answers as you see fit. If you have any questions please contact: John Pangilinan | GENERAL Name * First Name Last Name Email * Were you familiar with Pelican Products prior to Brews and Brainstorms? Yes No What brands do you trust in the Overland industry? Have you ever participated in any online communities or forums related to overland or off-road adventures? Yes No If yes, which ones and how do they influence your product choices? Do you subscribe to overlanding magazines, blogs or forums? Yes No If yes, please list: How often are you traveling in any given month? Are you typically traveling as part of another hobby e.g. mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, surfing, camping, etc. or are you traveling just for the adventure? RESEARCH How do you learn about new products and accessories for your build? Friends/Family (word of mouth) Retail Stores Magazine Publications (e.g. Overland Journal, OVR, Tread, Outside, etc.) Online Research (Websites & Forums) Social Media (e.g. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, etc.) How do you usually evaluate the quality and performance of a product before purchasing it for your adventures? SHOPPING When looking for offroad/overland gear, where do you typically shop? How often do you buy your Overlanding gear from Amazon? What factors did you consider when selecting your cases? Check all that apply Price Capacity Profile / Aesthetics Durability Lockability Other USAGE What are you currently using to store or transport gear in your rig? What do you store in your external storage? What are the main challenges you face when it comes to storing and organizing your gear during overland trips? How important is it for each item to have its dedicated place or attachment point? What other features or improvements would you like to see in an equipment case specifically designed for overland adventures, considering the challenges and requirements you face face in storing and organizing your gear? Thank you! We appreciate your valuable insights and product expertise.